Writing Every Day in May -- Day 4: Favorite Quote

Wow! Favorite quote? That should be fun,,, except the hits kept coming. First I thought of Eleanor Roosevelt and her fabulous hot water quote. And Aaron Sorkin has a beautiful quote about being a citizen of the world. And there's Helen Keller... and Gloria Steinem... and...I found myself spinning in a world of words that have touched me in one way or another. The thought of choosing one above another became a daunting task. But then I remembered last night when in a bout of insomnia I watched "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" on Netflix.It was the first viewing in many years and a good reminder of John Hughes' genius  This quote caught my attention then and seemed appropriate now.

 Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

Thanks, Ferris. Thanks, John. And thanks to Jenni for hosting this awesome challenge!


Sundays in My City #60 -- A Secret Slide


What's Happening -- Jamba Juice Tropical Harvest