A Star in My Own Universe

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Writing Every Day in May -- Day 7: This Scares Me

Day Seven's prompt is the things I'm most afraid of. As per usual with this challenge, this   pushed me into an uncomfortable place. Fear...To start, I have the normal laundry list of other fears: dark, Vampires, Zombies.I also fear that I won't live up to my purpose. I am so scared that I will have a wasted life. Ever since I was a little girl, I have had the feeling of a ticking clock in my head. I know there is something I am here to do and I am always afraid that I will miss that.Most truly, I am most afraid of outliving my children. This is a very dark place to go but it is true. I have seen my parents struggle with the ultimate pain of burying my brother. The pain I saw in them marked me for life and sometimes affects my parenting. I have to stop myself from being overprotective. It is a daily struggle.What makes you afraid?