Writing Every Day in May -- Day 8: A Piece of Advice

Today I am supposed to share a piece of advice. Now if I were you, reading this, I might think, "advice from her? Really?" Hell, I'm writing it and I'm thinking the same thing. But here we go...Without sounding like a warehouse filled with trendy, self-help calendars and books, it is really simple.Don't Give Up!Whatever your dream is, whatever tragedy you have suffered, whatever obstacle is in your way, don't give up. If you are here, you have a chance still to succeed,  overcome, and win. But only if you wake up each day and try.So there it is. Take it for whatever it is worth  but it is the only advice I have a of value. Now, share some advice with me...Still participating in the challenge by Jenni at Story of My Life.


Writing Every Day in May -- Day 9: A Moment in My Day


Wordless Wednesday #52 -- Gymnastics Fever