A Star in My Own Universe

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Writing Every Day in May -- Day 12: What I Miss

I am a "look forward" kind of girl so I don't focus much on what I miss. But that doesn't mean there are no holes in my heart.First, and foremost, I miss my brother. He died in 1995 at the age of 20 and there is not a day that I don't think of him. I see him in my son and wish he was here to share in all of his nephews and nieces. He was terrific with kids and I am sure that my other wonderful brother wishes the same. It has almost been 20 years but I still want him here.Secondly, I miss acting; really I do. I have a beautiful family and I have come to love writing but I still miss it almost daily. I miss the community of theatre and all my friends from the boards. I miss the words and the costumes and getting to be someone else even for a short period of time. I miss the dream I had. thought I had lost but have found again.Finally, I miss the Pacific Ocean. I lived in San Francisco for four years and it is still my favorite place in the world. I miss the vast sky and how the blue of the sea meets the blue of the heavens in the biggest horizon I have ever seen. I love how the land simply ends in giant jagged cliffs with a small almost untouchable patch of beach at the base. I miss the bridges and the fog but mostly I miss that ocean. Nothing made me feel so small and yet so inspired as that water.What do you miss?This is a part of the challenge by Jenni at Story of My Life.