A Star in My Own Universe

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Writing Every Day in May -- Day 13: A Public Apology

Today's prompt is to make a public apology. I am making one in advance.Dear Kids:I am writing today to apologize for the many ways that I will embarrass you as you grow up. This includes but is not limited to:

  1. I will wear clothes that you will not like. I have been dressing myself for 40 years and I'm not going to relinquish that anytime soon. And I'm expecting you to live up to the "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" policy. In other words, if you don't like it, tough.
  2. When music I love comes on the radio, I will forget I am in my forties or fifties, for that matter and I will crank it up like I'm 22. This is especially true for New Order, Depeche Mode, The Cure, and Pearl Jam. I will try to control myself in the presence of your friends but I'm probably going to forget at some point.
  3. I will tell you not to drink or smoke even though I did those things. Yes, I am a hypocrite but I am a hypocrite that loves you.
  4. I will call you out in front of your friends if I find you doing those things. If they care about you, they won't pressure you to do things that feel wrong. And if they do, they are not really your friends.
  5. I will hug and kiss you and tell you I love you even when you don't feel the same. I may even do it in front of friends. If they really care about you, they will be glad that your mom loves you. And if they don't... well, see above.
  6. I will be your mom, not your friend. That is my job. You won't always like it, but it is my chief purpose in your life.

So if any or all of that embarrasses you, I'm sorry. If it's any consolation your Nana did the same thing to me. That's part of the fun of being a parent.Sincerely,Your embarrassing momI'm still participating in the challenge by Jenni at Story of My Life.