Writing Every Day in May -- Day 15: My Day

Today's Prompt is a day in my life as told in pictures. I thought I would post as I go...Good morning:6:00 am: Before brushing my teeth, I go and push this special button.My Day 17:28 am: Making lunches -- usually at the last minute and always franticMy Day 28:22 am: Breakfast, Good Morning America, and BlogsDay 3 Collage 10:30 am: Work at my kids' school -- I work in the cafeteria and let me tell you, if you want to experience children in their natural environment, spend some time in the cafeteria!Day 411:50 am: My daughter comes into lunch (Sonny-Bunny was with his Dad on a field trip or I would have given "equal" time). The times that my kids come into the lunchroom make me happy and worth doing this very thankless job.My Day 51:00 pm -- A little reading. I have the pleasure of serving as a reading assistant volunteer. I work with a lovely girl who has grown so much in her reading. It warms my heart each week.Day 61:45 pm Lunch... finally. Leftovers, yes. But yummy leftovers!Day 72:15 pm -- A "few" dishes were waiting for meDay 83:10 pm -- The after school backpack dumpDay 94:00 pm -- Laundry!Day 105:15pm: HomeworkDay 11 Collage6:00 pm: Dinner -- I love how our table is surrounded by windows. It makes me feel like we are eating among the trees.Day 127:00 pm: TV and time with Little Diva. There may have been cuddling and silliness involved.Day 13 Collage8:00 pm: "Get off the Minecraft. It's time to get to ready for bed..."Day 158:10 pm: "Okay, it's time. Get off the Minecraft. Now, please."Day 15-28:15pm: "Put down the phone now! It is bedtime. I mean it or no Minecraft for a week!"Day 15-38;30pm StorytimeDay 16 CollageAnd after four stories, ten songs and a half hour of back scratching and well, this...Finally Screenshot9:45pm -- Finally!Finally CollageSo there's my day. I'm not living on a Red Carpet or in Cannes, or well, even a Target commercial. But it's my life and this is my day.And of course part of my day is participating in the challenge by Jenni at Story of My Life.


Sundays in My City #62 -- A Walk Home


Wordless Wednesday #53 -- Mother's Day