What's Happening -- US Family Guide and Natural Ear Music School
Over the years, I've shared just how much my daughter loves music. She asks for me to sing to her each night. She frequently performs for her friends at school and at home. She rocks out to the radio in the car. In short, she loves music! Well, look how my friends at US Family Guide have come through for me again!Join a band and play a gig! Give your kids a fun, educational, & memorable experience with our award-winning Summer Rock Camp!! We put kids into bands and have some of Austin's best musicians coach them through the process of learning a rocking set of songs to perform onstage for friends & family!! Our two-week long camp groups kids and teens into bands based on age, skill level, and musical interest. We have professional musicians coach each band through the process, teaching them a rockin’ set of songs. The students get to show off what they learn when they perform at the end-of-session live rock gig. The camp is 2 weeks long and meets Monday through Friday with the final gig on the second Friday in the evening. Click here for camp schedule. For more information visit us at www.naturalearmusic.com. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
How cool! And they didn't forget my readers:
Save $50 Off of Summer Rock Camp by Mentioning Austin Kids Guide
So if you have a hidden rocker or, as in my case, a not-so-hidden rocker, check them out.As always, a big shout out to US Family Guide and Natural Ear Music School!