A Star in My Own Universe

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It Was a Party But You're Still Invited!

Last week, Dr. Smith's Diaper Rash Ointment celebrated its 50th birthday -- yes, that was 5-0! And yes, there was a real Dr. Smith. Known affectionately as "Frosty", Dr. Smith was a San Antonio pediatrician who wanted every little one to have the best diaper ointment out there, so he made it. And as a proud Premium Parent Brand Ambassador, I can honestly say he succeeded!BDay Post 1 To celebrate this amazing day, a party was held at Mission Pharmacal in Boerne, Texas. - the current home to Dr. Smiths. We took a tour of the facility. And I got to sport this awesome look.BDay Post 2After the tour, the amazing team from Mission Pharmacal welcomed Mrs. Smith and the two pharmacists who helped create the original product.BDay Post 5I grabbed a few moments with the lovely Mrs. Smith and Martha Martinez, a beautiful new mom up to her elbows in diapers as we speak!BDay Post 3 So, you missed the balloons and the cookies:BDay Post 6But you didn't miss the party favor!

The awesome folks at Dr. Smith's are offering two of my lucky readers 2 full-sized tubes and 3  minis. And it is super easy to enter! Just follow @doctorsmiths on Twitter and tweet me (@tracisstar) your favorite form of #sweetrelief for the summer. Mine is ice cream floats with real Coca-Cola.

Contest closes July 13, 2013 at 11:59 p.m. I will randomly select two winners from the tweets and announce the winner on July 14th! Good luck!

****************************************************************************************P.S. If you look closely at that banner, guess who you'll find?BDay Post 4.2

 I am a proud brand ambassador for Dr. Smith's Diaper Rash Ointment -- I speak on behalf of the product because I personally believe in it. My opinions are honest and truthful.