I Climb Up With Other Moms
It usually takes me a bit of time to process a convention. I am never the first to post my feelings and emotions and MomComAustin was no exception. Between inspirational speakers and equally inspirational fellow attendees, I walked away positively buoyant.But so quickly life starts to eat away at this buoyancy. The weights of my world pull at my feet and the air starts to seep from my hope-filled balloon. Why can I not stay in the heaven created by the fabulously naughty and sweet-hearted Desiree Holt who answered my questions personally and encouraged me to write at least a page a day? Why am I unable to continue riding in the wake of the excitement I felt listening to Amy's Ice Cream creator and owner, Amy Simmons? Add to that the feeling that the world is a better place because of women like Sera Bonds and Carey Youngblood and I search my heart for that flame that burned so brightly 10 days ago. Now there is a mere flicker.But that's the way life works, isn't it? Or at least, it is for me. I am easily inspired but also easily deflated. While my cup overflows one day, it can run dry the next. In other words, I need my cup filled daily.So how does one fill up? For me, it's through other moms. I have spoken of my tribe -- a group of mommas who "get me" just as I am. They push me to be better and do better while accepting the quirky, emotional woman that I am. And they fill my cup to the brim often.But it's also the women I meet at MomCom that provide those needed daily bumps of inspiration. MomCom brings new friends into my life, as well as brings familiar faces back into my world. Around the table, I learn that I am the only one whose nine year old is still in her bed more often than not but I'm not the only one who hides in the bathroom from a tantrum-throwing child. And as we laugh, I realize both are okay. I am okay.In a world of media-driven Mommy Wars telling us that perfection is necessary to be a good mother while disagreeing on what it is to be a perfect mother, it is an amazing thing to share a drink (Deep Eddy Vodka!) and a laugh with other moms. Moms whose lives do not look like Pottery Barn and are more than Pinterest Boards. Real lives of real imperfect moms.All too often I feel like the world celebrates youth beyond wisdom, money above value, and celebrity over accomplishment. And in response, I feel too old, too poor, and definitely not famous. My path did not find the "X" I put on my original life map. But my life is good and each day, I get myself up, dust off, and try again. And these women who are still trying, as well, help me remember that I can. And even if it does put the Josh Groban ear bug in my head -- they "Lift Me Up"!So I will continue to put my big girl pants on and #MomUP!