Friday Fragments #10 - Last Week Frags

This week has lived up to the title of Fragmented. We are in our last week before the return to school and it has been nothing less than crazed. We are trying to get rooms organized and bags prepared and bedtimes restored. The kids are emotionally charged and it takes very little to set them off. On top of this, my chronic illness has decided to flare up this week. This week? Really? Why is it that my body decides that the time I most it need it to be on its game is the best time to knock me couch-bound?Makes me think of the old line "God won't give me more than I can handle. I just wish He didn't have so much faith in me." :-)But back to my Fragmented Friday...My daughter and I had a fun conversation:Little Diva was going in to great detail about a series of animals.Me: You really love nature, don't you?LD: Yes... but more animals. Not really plants.Me: Okay.LD: You know that's science, right?Me: Yes, you're right. That is science.LD: Mommy?Me: Yes, baby.LD: Do you know what science is?Me: What is science?LD: It's where you figure out lots of stuff.Me: It is indeed.Finally, I am the biggest fan of the Haverty's commercials. Have you seen these? I enjoy them so much, I stop fast-forwarding my DVR. Now that's saying something! They have great new one about house-hunting but it's not online yet so I thought that I would share one of my favorites.So that's my Friday, Fragmented as it may be. Have a great one yourself and check out others at Half Past Kissin' Time! Thanks to Mrs. 4444's for hosting. 



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