A Star in My Own Universe

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Blogtember -- Day 4

Today's prompt was: A Time When I Was AfraidUnfortunately, this is a subject from which I have many stories to choose. As a young girl, a school mate was assaulted in her own bed. I spent many nights awake terrified in my own thereafter. I was afraid when I got the call from the hospital that my brother was in  a motorcycle accident. (To those new to my universe, my brother did pass away.) There are more but I think today I will talk about the five weeks I spent on my back trying to keep my son in utero.

First, let me tell you that I have terrible pregnancies. I have all day sickness for at least five months. I get horrible,painful cavities from the calcium pull. I carry all my weight up front so I have horrible back pain requiring physical therapy. I break out and have itchy thighs. Basically, I hate being pregnant. I have never had the glow. And I may or may not hate those of you who did.

 Yet that is nothing compared to the fear of a child being born premature. I suddenly went into labor with my son at 32 weeks. I then spent the next twelve days in the hospital on a magnesium drip followed by three more weeks at home on bedrest. Each day creeped by as I prayed that he would stay in a little longer. I bartered with God. I made promises. I did everything to keep him inside where he was healthy.Not sure which worked, but clearly God heard me and my son was born healthy if still a little small, at 37 weeks. 37 weeks to the day... exactly full term.What has scared you? I shared this fear as a part of the Blogtember challenge.