A Star in My Own Universe

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30 Days of Photographs -- Day 7

So they told me to be scared, Now I get it. I thought this would be an easy one. I would run around the house and take photographs of seven things with a seven on it. Way harder that I thought! The number seven is not popular on household products. I don't know why. If you do, I'd love to hear.But after an extra day of trying, here's what I got.

Day 7 Collage 1That's 2...

Day 7  Collage 2

That's 2 more (though they each have several 7s)...

30 Days - Day 7.3

Now I could count this one as three and be done, but  for good measure or because I like to torture myself ...

Day 7 Collage 3

So please go tell Mike WJ from Too Many Mornings and Ziva of Ziva's Inferno, how awesomely seven my sevens were!