Blogtember - Day 6

Today's prompt was a Turning Point in my life.As I sat and thought, several came to mind.

  • Meeting my now-husband at 16 certainly changed my life. A simple pizza delivery brought the love of my life into my life and the last 25+ years are certainly reflective of that.
  • In 1996, I got into grad school and moved to San Francisco. At that time, I thought this would be THE defining moment of my life. I would go on to a successful career in the theatre. Attending ACT certainly did affect my life but not as I imagined.
  • In 2001, the events of 9/11 certainly were a turning point. My husband decided to join the Air National Guard and we transitioned from being an artistic couple in New York to a military family of four in Texas. Obviously BIG moment!
  • Becoming a mom! Enough said.
  • My 37th birthday was a turning point. I fainted in the middle of dinner and thus began my entry to the world of medical mysteries and chronic illness. In some ways, this has the most current and lasting impact on my life.

But the biggest turning point in my mind was starting a blog. In the summer of 2009, I was lost. I was in a new city in a small apartment. I had a very needy two year old and was trying to get my baby boy ready to enter kindergarten. My dreams that had driven me for so many years had not been realized but more they seemed so very far away. They seemed like Fool's Gold leaving me poor, sad, and alone in a strange place.But then, as some of you know, I saw the film "Julie and Julie". This changed everything. Here was a young woman who had lost her way and big dreams, too. She didn't have a direction so she started a blog and it engaged her. Thus my first blog 38 and Growing began.It started as something of a daily journal but slowly it evolved into me sharing my life with others. I never imagined that anyone would come by and actually care what I had to say (I only did it publicly to make myself commit -- I had never been able to keep a journal before) but they did. And I made friends -- real friends. Just because I had never met them in person, they touched my heart as deeply as any IRL friend.Those voices, these words, they saved me. I was in a dark place. I am only able to admit this now because I am no longer there. But I can't tell you where I would be had I not had this place. This safe place. Thank you to all of you who come and read what I have to say. It means more than you know -- it brings light to my life and joy to my soul.Do you have a turning point?


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