Blogtember - Day 10

Today's prompt is to write a public love letter to someone in your life. The timing could not be more perfect as it the 44th birthday of the man I love most, my hubby, Mr. Hero.Dear Mr. Hero,It may be hard to believe but 25 years ago, I celebrated the first of many of your birthdays. And indeed, I do celebrate them. For 44 years ago, God made me a soul mate. He created you especially to love me, inspire me, and drive me just a little bit crazy.The years have played out in many surprising and often exciting ways. We have been dealt set-backs but we have always come out stronger and with many unexpected blessings. I would not change a thing because I would never risk a turn that might take you and our beautiful children from me.You are strong, brave, caring, and kind. You have demonstrated valor without ever forgetting what it is to be a father to your children. I gave you the moniker Mr. Hero for a reason. You are my hero.Together, we have gone from hot and heavy teens making out to Depeche Mode and New Order in the back of your Datsun to parents desperate for the kids to go to sleep so we may watch The Daily Show and hope the turn-locks work. Along the way, we have been artistic gypsies traveling from downtown Houston to San Francisco to New York, where it all changed. We became a military family and I had to learn to be without you. I may have survived but I never ever got used to it.You are the Yin to my Yang (or is it Yang to my Yin? I never  get that right...) We are truly the opposites that attracted. You make me stronger and braver and happier. Do I miss the days of ease and great music? Stolen kisses and sneaked beers? Sometimes, yes. But the laughter of the two when they don't realize we're listening, the caught kisses in the kitchen, and the comfort of being fully myself at ease yet still in love, outweigh the flush that overtook me so many years ago.You are my love. You are my life. You are my husband and I thank God that you were born this day. Happy birthday, baby.My LoveI shared this letter as a part of Blogtember over at the Story of My Life. Check out other deep loves there.


30 Days of Photography - Day 17


30 Days of Photographs - Day 16