Friday Fragments #13 -- Lots of Plates Spinning

Remember that song by Dead or Alive, "You Spin Me Round"?

You spin me right 'round, babyRight 'round like a record, babyRight 'round, 'round, 'round,You spin me right 'round, babyRight 'round like a record, babyRight 'round, 'round, 'round

While I'm not dancing at a club setting my sights on anyone, that song has been running through my head.I haven't been sharing my Fragments lately but that doesn't mean I haven't been fragmented.We went to Disney in an RV! Nine days of tremendously happy days dotted with moments of "Are you my child?" Mostly good, though and I am still sorting through all my pics and stories to share. Head Spinning #1!cinderella-castle-00 Unfortunately, within hours of returning, we learned of the tragic and surprising death of my uncle. Talk about going from a staggering high to a crushing low. This has my head and heart spinning in a way that I can't quite fathom.Add to that out-of-sorts, off-their-schedule, sensing-all-the-drama kids, mounds of laundry, past due classwork, and so on and so forth and I am spinning or fragmented, if you will.At first, this kept me crazed and away from my blog and blogging friends. But then I realized that I need this blog and my friends to get me through. I have a lot of plates in the air spinning. I am pretty sure that a few are going to crash to the floor. But this community and this blog are how I will get through.So yep, I'm fragmented and I'm back to Friday Fragments. Please join Mrs. 4444s over at Half Past Kissin' Time for other Friday Fragments!To finish, I thought I would share the video for the song. I had forgotten the dramatic looks into the camera and the eighties shoulder dance moves. It is good for a smile!


Big Hearted Friday #5 - Making Room At Our Table


Travel the World Thursday #5 - England