What's Happening -- Reviver Dry Deodorant Wipes

One of the fun things about writing this blog is getting to try new products. A couple of weeks ago, I was contacted by the folks at Reviver Dry Deodorant Wipes. I have to admit, I was immediately intrigued.What is Reviver I asked?

Get Freshness Fast with Innovative Odor-Eliminating Swipe

Reviver is a revolutionary odor-neutralizing dry swipe that lets you instantly and discreetly eliminate unwanted aromas that cling to clothes and hair. Like breath mints for clothing, Reviver lets you bring freshness with you wherever you go.

As a busy mom, I was like "Wow!" But do they work? Well, I got a package in the mail.

Reviver 1

 My first question is "are easy to use?' Well, here are the directions from the website.

I dove in! I had a dress that I wore to an event in New York and the sweater I wore for Thanksgiving. Without getting into TMI area, let's just say that they needed a little love. Neither launder well and dry-cleaning is expensive. As both items otherwise looked great (except for a stray hair -- I shed like a cat!), I was hopeful.

Reviver Collage

And drum roll, please...I was pleasantly surprised. The product had a good smell and my clothes smelt great after use. It was a light scent; not too "chemical"-y and not heavy with a perfume smell. I liked it.You know what else I liked? They are reusable. I can throw one in my purse and be ready for one of those days when I may have worn the item a little too long. So I give it a thumbs up. I would definitely use Reviver again!Thanks, Reviver for letting me try this awesome product. 

Reviver provided me a product to try. All opinions are mine.

Advent Calendar 2013


Happy Hannukah