A Star in My Own Universe

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Advent Calendar Day 1 -- A Miracle on 34th Street

I had to start with "A Miracle on 34th Street". It is one of my favorites and to me reflects the transition between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Growing up, Thanksgiving mornings were spent in front of the TV watching the balloons coming down the streets of New York. Between favorite characters floating among the high rises of Manhattan were performances by the finest performers of the Great White Way. Many New York dreams were fostered in those glimpses.But above all else, we waited in awe for Santa Claus to come down to Herald Square. Convinced he was indeed the real Santa, I waved back at the television. It was at that moment the magic of Christmas began.Miracle on 34th Street is about the power of belief. One of my favorite scenes is when Natalie Wood as Susan says, "I believe... I believe... It's silly, but I believe." We all need a moment like that where we know that there is no reason yet we choose to believe -- truest definition of faith to me.Click below on the pic to visit my Advent Calendar.24 days to Christmas... 

Advent 1