Advent Calendar Day 3 - National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

This one is among my favorites. The Griswolds return in a great reminder to stop trying to make the holidays perfect. Clark tries and tries to make everything just right and watches it blow up in his face -- literally blow up! I know how that feels.There is a wonderful scene where Clark's dad (one of four parents who descend upon the Griswold home) reveals that Clark has forgotten that Christmases were just as chaotic and ugly when Clark was a child.  I compare my holiday reality to a falsely nostalgic memory based on Kodak moments (extra points to those of you who remember that slogan). So here's to realizing that the holidays are not going to be perfect and maybe the memories are made in the mess.Click on the film to see today's Advent Calendar.Vacation 2


Wordless Wednesday #73 -- What's Wrong with This Picture?


Advent Calendar Day 2 - Jingle All the Way