Advent Calendar Day 11 - Home Alone
So this one has a personal connection to me. When I watched it 23 years ago (on a date with my now husband, BTW) it felt like I was watching one of my brothers. Macaulay Caulkin's expressions and resourcefulness couldn't have been more like his. Now all the years later, I watch it and am reminded of him (many of you may know that I lost a brother) in almost every frame. Ignoring the horrific parenting that is displayed far before his actual abandonment and the Road-Runner like violence of Caulkin's home defense, there is a sweet story. It is a story about telling your family that you love them and not letting anger get the better of one. Also, a good reminder to not send your kid to the attic ad double check your alarm clock but I digress.My kids enjoy the antics and I like the sense of self-empowerment for them. We watched together just last night. So in honor of my brother who is no longer here to run around implementing his hare-brained plans, I give you "Home Alone".14 Days to Christmas...Click below for today's Advent Calendar.