Sundays in My City #86 -- The View From Here
Some of you know that I have been down and out for a while now. Two weeks ago I woke up well and went to bed sick. And last weekend it turned into pneumonia so I have had a limited view of my city. I am starting to feel a little better and hope to get outside my house again in the near future but until then, here's a glimpse of my view of the world.First, have you tried this? Puffs with Vicks included in the tissue. Genius, I tell you! My friend brought them to me and they have changed my life!
And of course, there are a LOT of medicines that go with being this sick. Lots of fun, let me tell you.
And as I have actually been too sick to hold my computer or even a book, below you will see how I have gotten through the day...
(Trust me, this will be used tonight for the Golden Globes.)
So that's the less than exciting view from here. Hopefully next week, I will have a much better look at my city, Austin. Check out much more exciting Sundays in other cities over at Unknown Mami.