A Star in My Own Universe

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Friday Fragments #20 - Signs of Life and Snow

This week has been an up and down kind of week. I ventured out into the world a little.I performed in a short fringe play despite my illness -- a high. Learned I wouldn't be able to participate in a play this summer that I was looking forward to -- a low.Went back to work this week -- a high. Wasn't able to complete a single shift -- a low.But then there was this...

Snow 1

Austin woke up to a rare snow day. Well, really ice day but alas... Schools are closed. Now before my Northern friends start laughing, remember we have no salt trucks, appropriate tires, etc. And we laugh the same way when you guys complain that it's 90 degrees. :-D

And yes, the school district called at 6:00 am to tell me that I could sleep in.

I'm sure there will be many more "snow" pics to share but I have to rise from my warm bed to procure them so until then, enjoy your Friday. I will, however, leave you with one word from my daughter. She got up to look at the snow and ran back to cuddle under the covers with me. She says, "Mommy, I have to get in bed with you. I 'colded' myself up!"

Enjoy other Friday Frags, with or without snow, over at Half Past Kissin' Time. Mrs. 4444s is kind enough to host.