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What’s Happening — Shakespeare Edition

Most of you know that I come from a history of theatre but did you know that I had a love affair with Shakespeare? Yep! It's okay, my husband knows. He feels okay about it since the Bard has long since passed his wooing days!In Austin, there a couple of upcoming events that combined Shakespeare with kids which grabbed my attention.First, I heard from my favorite Austin children's theatre company, Pollyanna Theatre Company, that Austin Shakespeare is performing Othello at the Rollins Theatre in the Long Center.A hero is lured into jealousy by doubts, manipulated by Iago, one of the greatest villains of all time. Marc Pouhé and many other alumni actors return to the Rollins Studio Theatre at The Long Center for the Performing Arts, February 13 - March 2, Thursday - Saturday at 8pm and Sundays at 3 pm.


Now if you don't know Othello, it is filled with intrigue and murder. It is one of my favorites but it is not for young audiences. I do think it's a great piece to bring your teens. I don't have teens. I guess I'll just have to take myself. :-) I also learned of something fun... Shakespeare Idol. The same company, Austin Shakespeare, is hosting this event in honor of the 450th birthday of Mr. Shakespeare.

Area students from public, private and home schools aged 12-19 can register to perform monologues and short scenes from Shakespeare before a panel of distinguished judges and a live audience from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, April 26, on the terrace of the Long Center. And at the culmination of the festival, performers, judges and audience members will enjoy free birthday cake.Participants, along with teacher/sponsors, friends and Shakespeare aficionados will enjoy a variety of Shakespearean performances at the festival. Each participant will receive a copy of the judges’ written comments indicating areas of excellence and those which require additional work, as well as a tangible commemoration of his or her participation in the festival. Registered participants also will be invited to attend a free workshop on the rhythm of Shakespeare’s works led by actor and educator Jill Swanson.Registration for actors costs only $10 per student, with a limited number of spaces available. For more details and registration and scholarship information, please contact Susan McLeland at  birthday@austinshakespeare.org .

Sounds like fun to me!So that's What's Happening with Shakespeare in Austin. I hope you will check it out!