A Star in My Own Universe

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Sundays in My City #92 -- Fire and Dance

Recently, we have had two opportunities recently to learn about the great things that living in Austin can offer, as well as where hard work can take you.My daughter's Daisy troop attended a Family Workshop for Austin Ballet's Hansel & Gretel.  It's a really great opportunity to get up close and personal with the dancers and learn about what it takes to be a dancer.Little Diva was so excited  she drew this picture in anticipation of learning to dance from "real ballerinas".Ballet PicHere she is among the many other girls (right there behind the dancer!)Ballet 4 The children were encouraged to bring a cuddly to dance with and Little Diva couldn't resist bringing her new American Girl doll out for a spin.

Ballet Collage

And yes, she chose to wear cowboy boots to the ballet! She has her own unique style!

Sonny-Bunny  also got a glimpse of a very different dance -- the dance of fire. We traveled to the University of Texas campus and via his Webelo troop, saw how they study fire patterns and dangers. While of course, they talked fire safety and escape plans, they also got to see this... a fire tornado!

Fire 1

Just like his sister, he is right up front!

Fire Collage 2

Pretty cool, huh? A big thanks to Ballet Austin and the Engineering Department from the University of Texas for hosting the troops!

Check out other cool Sundays in other cool cities over at Unknown Mami.

Unknown Mami