What's Happening - The Little Gym of South Austin

Well, US Family Guide has done it again! They offered me the opportunity to try a season of classes with The Little Gym of South Austin. Little Diva jumped (and I mean jumped, literally) at the chance to take a gymnastics class. Two classes in and I have to tell you, we are in love."We?" you say. Yes, we.Little Diva is enjoying the class. Proof here...Gymnastics 1

Building a bridge

Gymnastics Collage

Swinging from the uneven bars

Gymnastics Collage 2

Looking strong!

But I am happy, too! The staff is friendly and welcoming. They were willing to explain every detail and answer any questions I had. I got to speak with one of the coaches, Ms. Bri, after Little Diva's first class and Ms. Bri was really articulate about where Little Diva was and how good of a fit the class was. In fact, we both agreed she was in a great class for her level and frankly, attention span.Also, they have a great Makeup Policy. Unlike some places that require that a class be made up in the same week, here a credit is placed on your account which remains as long as you are a current member. How cool is that? To me, that is awesome. I have had a sick child who was not well before the end of the week which meant she lost out on the class. No more!Sound good? Want to try a class? They offer free introductory classes. Click here to sign up!A big thank you to The Little Gym and the US Family Guide for allowing my Little Diva to flip, swing, and balance to her heart's content! We are looking forward to the next months and will keep you posted!Little Gymusfamilyguide 


Word(less) Wednesday #80 -- Things That Make Me Smile


Sundays in My City #92 -- Fire and Dance