A Star in My Own Universe

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Sundays in My City #93 -- Diva to the 7th Degree

Well, the big event this week was our Little Diva turning seven!Here she is on her last night of being six:

BDay 1

The next morning, she was a princess at school.

BDay 2

(I love that toothless smile!)

Later that day, her Daddy AKA My Hero really became Little Diva's hero. With our big trip to Disney, we had told the kids that they weren't going to have a big party this year. Little Diva, however, had fallen in love with a set of purple cupcakes with little Justin Bieber decorations  on them. (Yes, Justin Bieber. You don't have to tell me. Believe me, I know.) I had told her that she could have a small set for her day. Well, when I went to the store, they were out. Aack! But Daddy to the rescue. He bought a plain cake and started Googling. And he made this!

BDay 4

Here she is dancing with joy!

BDay Collage

So that is our Diva-ne Sunday. Check out other Sundays over at my friend, Unknown Mami's place.

Unknown Mami