A Star in My Own Universe

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What's Happening -- USFG and Room to Spare Part 1

A while back, I shared that US Family Guide had offered me an opportunity to read "A Mom's Guide to Home Organization". I was very excited but then came the season of pneumonia. Now that I am feeling better and in the Spring Cleaning mood, I can really take advantage of the opportunity.photo_2891While the whole book is dedicated to a practical approach to organization, Chapter 5 really caught my attention:

The Paper Pile Keeps Growing

Your house is overrun by paper. It covers every available tabletop in every room and it keeps coming in. When you need to find something important, it takes an hour. Your method of straightening up the papers involves shoving everything into a plastic bag and tucking it away when you have guests. Sometimes you’ll go back to these bags and pull out what you need. Sometimes these bags will be forgotten for years. 

Does this describe me? Uh, yeah... especially that plastic bag part. Paper is my greatest nemesis. I have the hardest time letting go of paper, keeping it organized, and not losing important things!I am really excited to tackle this problem. The fact that it is tax season and I will be digging through many of these piles, all the more so. So, Debbie Lillard, I am looking your way.As always, a big thank you to US Family Guide for another great way to make my life better!