A Star in My Own Universe

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Thankful Thursday #4

It's Thursday which means I am taking a breath to be thankful. ! can get tossed around with life and forget just how many reasons I have to be grateful. This is my opportunity to take measure of some of those blessings.Today, I am thankful for those days that my bank account has enough money to fill my gas tank and my pantry. That may not sound like much but I have known days when that wasn't the case. I have looked at my balance and wondered if I went into the office and swiped the card for $5 (because you have to have at least $50 available to swipe at the pump) how long that would last. SO I am thankful today that I have enough.Little Diva and I have been under the weather this week. Today I am thankful she is back at school and I am hopeful to be fully well soon, too.  I am also thankful that my hubby (who has been working the overnight shift) came home the last two nights to check on me, give me Nyquil and tuck me n.  He also got Sonny-Bunny (who was not thankful that he was well -- he was jealous of little sis home from school)ready for school so I could sleep in! I am thankful for a good husband!And I am thankful for these two...TBT BeachFor the first time, I did a Throwback Thursday pic and found this sweet one from the Summer of 2011. How fast they grow.Finally, I am always thankful for my friends, especially Shelley and Helen who are sharing their Thursdays, as well. Linky