It's a Big Week Around These Parts
Today I am the feeling pretty lucky. Pretty lucky, indeed!I am typing this in a hotel room in the Chelsea district in New York. Yet again, my amazing friends at Dr. Smith's Diaper Rash Ointment have offered me the opportunity to travel. New York holds a special place in my heart and I am always happy to return. In addition, I love talking about a product in which I really believe! Meeting expectant and new moms and sharing my experiences doesn't seem like a job, it feels like an honor. And today that honor will bring me to the Biggest Baby Shower event at the Metropolitan Pavilion.I even got to see a Broadway show -- Rock of Ages. Fellow Premium Parent, Katy, and I rocked out to Poison, WhiteSnake, and Journey. If you've not seen it, the show is a hilarious, tongue-in-cheek look at 80's hair bands. We had so much fun and I even demonstrated my best rocker face!
Hashtag #feelingblessedBut if that were not enough, I am headed to Atlanta later this week for the Mom 2.0 Summit. I am so excited to meet some of my favorite bloggers and learn how to grow mine!
Hashtag #feelingSUPERblessedBlogging has brought me so much over the last five years and the good stuff keeps coming. So prepare yourself for lots of Instagram and FB updates. I may be obnoxious - apologizing in advance!