Come Play in May - Double Entendre


I love playing with words. Anyone who knows me or has read my blog more than once knows I love a good pun. And yet, when I approached this prompt, I came up at a loss.What to write? I wanted to be clever. I wanted to live up to the fancy french word for meaning. I think my brain is addled. I've been on a juice cleanse -- today is day three -- and I want to eat. Yeah, I do.

In fact, I want to get sauced.

Think I mean this...


Normally, yes. But today I want this...SaucedSo is that worthy? Probably not, but maybe after a few bowls I'll have the mental energy to come up with something better!


Late Night Snack with Dog's Breakfast


Wordless Wednesday #88 -- My Mothers Day Gift or Why the Other Moms Might Hate Me