A Star in My Own Universe

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Late Night Snack with Dog's Breakfast

My friends over at Dog's Breakfast have been really busy or I've been slow or something in the in-between. Nevertheless they have served up two helpings and I wanted to share. As we gather around the table which I always imagine as the vinyl-covered booth from my drinking days and wearily pour our coffee and pass the salt, I will slide over this handsome helping.In Episode Six, Nhi Dho interviews Anthony Konechny, known for Almost Human, the upcoming Godzilla, and wait for it, ladies.... Fifty Shades of Grey. I think Nhi has a pretty good gig up there! Check out the interview and band BISON, as well as the always unexplained short film here.Full? No, I didn't think so. Tonight, I'll refill your plate with episode Seven.Watch as Rat Queens creator, Kurtis Wiebe, waxes rhapsodically about the man Kermit the Frog is. (Hey Kurtis! I'm a Kermit-lover, too. If only the world had more Kermits!)Now you can't possibly still be hungry; at least until tomorrow...