A Star in My Own Universe

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Come Play in May -- A Day in Pictures

May BannerToday's prompt is to share a day in pictures so I thought that I would share my day with my daughter at Girl Scout camp. I went off-line that weekend but I did record the day. With a Little Diva this beautiful, how could I not?The day started with Little Diva learning a new game; an elimination game. This picture gives you all you need to know about her reaction to being eliminated.

Daisy Day

So not such a great start to the day. But after melt-down met a cool-down, we moved onto a much better day. It's pretty easy when there is fishing to be done!Daisy Day CollageWe got to touch animals -- a favorite of Little Diva.Daisy Day Collage 2Then she climbed a rock wall. Daisy Day Collage 3She was very proud of herself.Daisy Day 2 And so was I.Daisy Day 3Finally, we took a walk.

Daisy Day Collage 4

It was a very special day for Little Diva and me.Do you have a special day, week, or month to share? Come play...