Friday Fragments #34


Well, this is the last Friday before school gets out. I'm not sure who is more ready, the kids or I, but after this week, I am more fragmented than ever. Good thing it's Friday and time to Frag along with Mrs. 4444 at Half Past Kissin' Time.


I took my first Spin Class on Tuesday. Oh! My! Goodness! I am still hurting. Seriously! I thought the standing was going to be the hard part. No. In case, you have never participated in such a class, let me educate you. The worst part is "hover". Hover is a position created by someone who clearly ascended directly from an inner ring of hell. Hover is when you almost sit but don't quite -- get it? You hover over the seat? Yeah. Inner ring of hell.And I also hurt in a less discreet manner. I have ridden bikes for years and don't remember hurting after sitting but it has been a while. Though I'm pretty sure if I hurt like this as a kid, I would have remembered. My friend who is now formally my friend because she is the teacher -- totally kidding, she's still my friend... well kinda kidding, she's on probation -- she calls it contact pain. I think I want my banana seat back from my old Schwinn.


My daughter is drawing all the time right now and it makes me so happy. She has gotten to the stage where she takes pictures she likes and tries to recreate them. This week the DVD cover to the movie "Brave" caught her eye. She drew Merida over and over. This was one of my favorites.MeridaAnd if the drawing didn't warm my heart enough, she said, "Mommy, I love Merida. She's beautiful and a tomboy like me." She is beautiful, indeed.


Finally, my son loves that he is his dad's doppelgänger. He constantly tells me ways that he is like his father. Many of these similarities, however, are not ways that people usually brag.Sonny-Bunny: Mommy. I am just like Daddy. I snore like him. My feet smell like his and now I even fart like him. I really am his twin.My husband, who was in the room at the time, just looked at me and shook his head. Sadly for him, I couldn't argue any of my son's points.


So that's my fragments. Go join the fragmented fun!



Come Play in May -- Inside My Purse in Pictures


What's Happening -- USFG and Harlem Globetrotters