Share the Love #2 - Pen and Paper


sharethelove[4]It's Saturday and it's time to share the love again. My friend Priscilla and I love that Blogging has provided community for us. We want to spotlight bloggers that have made our lives brighter.Today, I am featuring my friend Tracy aka Petty Witter who writes at Pen and Paper. Tracy is another throw-back to my early days at 38 and Growing. She is supportive as a fellow blogger and a blogger extraordinaire in her own right. She is also British which makes her instantly cool in my books. She has participated in my Travel the World with a Star pen pal program (for which I am way overdue in mailing my daughter's last letter) and been a regular commenter.Pen and Paper is mostly a book blog but Tracy is so witty (e.g. her moniker of Petty Witter) that even if book reviews are not your thing, it is a fun read. I have learned of great books and books to avoid usually with a big smile on my face. She also shares headlines from the local British papers that keep me laughing.All in all, I love, Love, LOVE this blogger and I think you will, too. Please check her out.Do you have a blogger that makes your day? We would love for you to Share the Love with us on Saturday.The rules are VERY Simple!

  • Share a post (past or present) that you have written about another blogger.
  • It can NOT be about you! Link back to The Wheelchair Mommy @ and The Star @
  • Add your link to the link-up.
  • Visit someone NEW!
  • That’s it!