Well, That Freaked Me the F@#k Out
Axis of Ineptitude is at it again. Today they want me to tell you about something that freaked me the f@#k out. I am a really positive person so I dork out a lot but I don't freak out much.That said... when I do freak out. I freak the f@#k out. But after it's all over.Sonny-Bunny was teething with two small bottom teeth. At this time, he did not have top teeth or so I thought. We were in the kitchen and he was sitting happily in his high chair chewing on a teething biscuit. Until this point he had just slobbered and gnawed on them until they dissolved in his mouth. I cannot remember what I was doing other than I was in the kitchen with him. If I were a better writer, I would entertain you with a clever sandwich making story but alas, I'll just allow you to insert your favorite kitchen activity here.With said kitchen activity occurring, I look over at SB and notice that he is very quiet. I ask him if he's okay and his eyes become saucers. I instantly know something is wrong. Now what I am about to tell you must have all happened in under two minutes or my beautiful son would not be here as he is. Yet I remember the moments so clearly and distinctly that it feels like so much longer.I picked up my son. I began every thing I had heard or read about safely removing the lodged item from an infant's throat. I remembered that I wasn't supposed to hit him on the back. I did not. I remembered that I was supposed to hold him over my arm with his head down while pushing up. I remembered these things all while walking Sonny-Bunny up the stairs and calling for my parents (who were home at the time). Nothing was working and I kept trying while having the wherewithal to keep my voice calm so they would not run into me possibly bumping him and making things worse.Finally, I remembered that my pediatrician said if I wasn't able to get it to fall out, I should just stick my finger down there and try to remove it. It was the choice of last resort and at this point, I had tried everything else. So just as I reached the door to my parents room, I stuck my finger down and BLAH... out came the teething biscuit. At that exact moment, my mother opened the door. As my son's beautiful cries rang through the hallway, I calmly handed my son to my mother and immediately passed out.Down to the ground.My mom is now standing over her baby while holding her baby's baby calling to me. I came to my senses and walked blindly downstairs and just rocked for about ten minutes.I was so clear before but once he was out of danger, I lost it or "Freaked the F@#K out". Has anything freaked you out?