Making the Everyday Life Easier (Giveaway)

This is a sponsored post for Dr. Smith's Diaper Rash Ointment. I am a proud Premium Parent Ambassador.All opinions are my own; it's my universe after all.

My life is crazy! You guys know that. I have had Mommy Brain for a while now.For me the worst time is definitely the morning. Let's just say that I do not live with morning people. So between waking everyone up, making breakfast and lunches, getting them dressed and where they are supposed to be on-time, there is a lot of room for error. And stress. Sigh.So I have found the key to making the mornings go smoothly is to prep everything the night before. Seems like simple advice but oh, what a difference a day night can make. Laying out clothes and prepping bags is a huge help.Lunches are the biggest struggle in the morning so here is my favorite tip.When I go to the store and buy lunch meat, I break it into individual Ziplocs or lunch containers and freeze them. Each night, when I prep the lunch boxes, I pull out one for each kiddo and put them in the fridge. That way they are thaw and ready to be thrown into the lunch boxes the next morning. It has made my mornings a breeze. Well, okay... not a breeze but as breezy as life can be.And it's that desire for making life easier that got me excited about Dr. Smith's Diaper Rash Spray. Yes, you heard me -- spray!photo 2Let's be honest, diaper changes are not our favorite times of the day. Like mornings, however, they can benefit from a little streamlining. Just think, after cleaning up that sweet little baby and their not so sweet little behind, you can fight diaper rash with one move. Just aim and spray. No touch. No ointment under the fingernails. Just happy baby, happy parent.

All I can say is "where were you when I needed you?"

Those of you who have followed me for a while know I swear by Dr. Smith's. But this is a game changer, my friends. I have personally tried out the new spray. It is light and just as gentle as before, but now so, So, SO easy to use. Plus, imagine how easy changes on-the-go just got!photo 1Nice, right? It gets nicer.Whose life wouldn't be easier with a $200 VISA gift card and a Dr. Smith's Diaper Rash Ointment Prize Pack? Enter my giveaway for a chance to win both. Three runner-ups will get the Dr. Smith's Prize Pack.What is your favorite tip for making life a little easier? Share with me. Goodness knows I can use all the help I can get. ;-)a Rafflecopter giveaway


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