
Welcome to another segment of Friday Fragments. I am officially in the 40s. This has been true for my body and it has made sure I know it. Between shortening eyesight and lengthening eyebrows, I am most definitely getting older. But now I am in the 40s for my Fragments.


 This week my girlfriend and I went to see Sex Tape. I almost hate writing that wondering what searches I'll end up caught up in. In fact, I was very careful as I googled an image for the movie. I did not want to type sex tape into the browser but rather I typed Cameron Diaz + Jason Segal. I am happy to say that I successfully maneuvered that Google search... After seeing the movie, I learned that the reviews were bad and it had a lackluster opening. All I can say is that my girlfriend and I loved it. We laughed so hard that we couldn't catch our breath at times. Now the S-E-X scenes were silly and funny in an over-the-top way but the real humor was from the look at how couples shift into parents.Before you're a parent, it is easy to think that couples drift apart because they no longer feel the same way about each other or they're lazy. Most parents know otherwise. Life can sneak up and build obstacles between a couple. This movie looks at this in a frank way. The conversations are very real. Now this movie is raunchy and therefore, not for everyone but it definitely hit the spot for our Moms Night Out!


In past Frags, I have mentioned that my son is fully in the tweens. He is providing a lot of entertainment. He has begun to care a lot about his clothes and get this... his hair! He spends time stroking it over to the side and smoothing it in a skater style. He talks about his hair more than his sister. He shakes it and says "Look, Mom, I have instant gel hair". (He kinda does, BTW. I'm a little jealous!) It's cracking me up.


On that note, some of you may remember that I expressed frustration with some of his less than appealing tween behavior. I am happy to report that he is acting like my boy again. I used some of your advice and tried to engage him in his world. I have been asking him questions about Minecraft and YouTube, etc. It really has made a difference. He is seeking me out now to tell me things and my heart is swelling. He has even been hugging me! I know there will be many more obstacles to come but I am treasuring this moment.


Finally, I thought I would celebrate an obstacle he jumped. Sonny-Bunny has wanted to ride the Great White roller coaster forever. For over two years now, he has stood at the height bar to check if he finally reached the bar. Well, last week he did. Here are his thoughts...Pretty exciting for him!


So that's my Friday. Do you have Fragments of your week you'd like to share? Head over to Mrs. 4444 and join in!

Half-Past Kissin' Time

Share the Love #9 -- Dallas Single Mom


Wordless Wednesday #97 -- Trashy Art