A Star in My Own Universe

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Why Feminism Still Matters to Me, My Daughter, and My Son

For those of you who don't me, I am a Stay-at-Home Mom, a military wife, and a feminist.I'm not sure why that should seem in conflict but this morning on the Today show, they ran an article about Not Needing Feminism. It got my mind racing and my fingers typing.Feminism has never been for me or by definition a diminishment of men. According to Merriam-Webster, feminism is "the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities".EQUAL RIGHTS, not superior rights but equal.Being a feminist does not mean that I don't like a door being held for me or I don't wear makeup. I do and I am a lady. Being ladies and gentlemen are not in conflict with feminism.I am raising my children with the belief that they are both capable of making their dreams come true. I am raising both my children with the understanding that they are equally made by God to impact the world for the better. I am raising them with the knowledge that they can both be whoever they want to be if they are willing to work hard. This is feminism.I am raising my children to look to marry an equal. I am raising my daughter to expect to be treated like a woman of worth and substance and to marry a man of worth and substance. I am raising my son to find who woman who challenges him -- a woman who will hold his feet to the fire but allow him to shelter her when she needs him. This is feminism.I am a stay-at-home mom because I choose to be. It was not demanded of me. It was a choice I made with the birth of my second child; a different choice than I made with first, by the way. It is a choice I want my daughter and my son to have. This is feminism.So yes, feminism still matters. It matters for all of us. Whether you like a door held, want a jar opened, or simply want your mothers, sisters, daughters, or selves to make a full dollar for the one that your fathers, brothers, sons, or selves make. It's that simple and it's feminism.