A Star in My Own Universe

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Travel the World Thursday #6 -- Catching Up and Christmas

Well, with holidays and my illness leading into the craze of summer,  I have not posted goodies from my pen pals in a while but that doesn't mean, we haven't been "traveling". Here's a WAY overdue catch up!My friend, Dorothy of Far From Kansas sent us several cards and packages across the fall. I am so thankful and am so sorry for this belated thank you.And my lovely English friend, Tracy AKA Petty Witter from Pen and Paper, sent Little Diva candy for Christmas. So yummy!TWTS Candy CollageChristmas Candy 

As you can see, she was pretty happy. And now she would like to know way she doesn't get any mail. Mommy FAIL! So if you would like to send letters to this cute face --

Here's where Sonny-Bunny jumps in to say "don't forget me!" --

So if you would like to send mail to either of these cuties, please email me and we will get back on track. Thanks again!