A Star in My Own Universe

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Share the Love #10 - Still Living the Dream

sharethelove[4]It's Saturday and I am feeling the Bloggy love. Today I am featuring another AdventureCon blogger and the biggest dynamo in a small package you could ever hope to meet. Meet Jennifer Knerr Patrick from Still Living the Dream. She's 4'10" (or 4'9" but who's counting?) but she stands taller than most I have met. Jennifer is one of the great gals that made me feel like we've known each  other our whole lives.378077_264634540249703_2139816192_nShe's a mom, a writer, a former DJ nicknamed the Jenner which is perfect as she is also a runner.One of my favorite posts of hers was "Why I Run"; check it out here.Do you have a blogger you love? Share the Love with us...The rules are VERY Simple!

  • Share a post (past or present) that you have written about another blogger. It can NOT be about you!
  • Link back to The Wheelchair Mommy @ www.wheelchairmommy.com and The Star @ http://box5437.temp.domains/~astarinm
  • Add your link to the link-up.
  • Visit someone NEW!
  • That’s it!