Share the Love #11 - Life in Random Bits
It's Saturday and I am still feeling the love. Priscilla aka Wheelchair Mommy and I are hosting a weekly series to spread the word about great bloggers. Today I am spotlighting IRL friend and Austin Blogger Helen from Life in Random Bits. Regular followers may recognize her as a Thankful Thursday partner and a fellow participant of the Axis of Ineptitude.
Helen is a mommy who loves crafting, cooks well -- she's currently trying to help me, and has recently taken up running. Mostly Helen is simply a lovely human being and a fun writer. Her passion for reading and the written word is obvious in each post. (She has even started her own proofreading business!) So that's why I am sharing my love for her.
Please check out Helen and as well as Priscilla's choice!We would so love to have you join us and we have made it easy.The rules are VERY Simple!
- Share a post (past or present) that you have written about another blogger. It can NOT be about you!
- Link back to The Wheelchair Mommy @ and The Star @
- Add your link to the link-up.
- Visit someone NEW!
- That’s it!