Articulate in August — Thankful Thursday


Today, I am returning to Thankful Thursday and today's theme is Silver Lining.This blog is all about my silver lining. My life went off plan a long time ago. Actually 12 years, 11 months, and 3 days ago. Don't want to do the math? It was 9-11-01.The moment I saw the second plane hit the second tower, I realized that something really big and really bad had begun. There was a loss of innocence in my heart and a loss of control in my life. Something was stolen from me that I will never get back.That was a really dark day and I spent years of time and energy wishing I could change something. And frankly, the gifts of my children did not immediately wake me to my silver lining. From that dark place, I started my first blog (please bear with me, those of you who know this all too well). Over the last few years, I have discovered that my life itself is my silver lining; a beautiful, blindingly bright silver lining.I have huge faith in the butterfly effect or Sliding Doors. And this family, I have, this husband I love, these children I've been given are all a product of that day. Whatever I lost wasn't nearly as wonderful as what I got.So I am thankful. Not thankful for a tragedy that stole many lives and many more dreams. I am thankful for the silver lining and the grace of wisdom that let me see it.Do you have a silver lining? Share it with the Axis of Ineptitude gals!


Friday Fragments #43


Articulate in August -- These Are a Few of My Favorite Things