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What's Happening Wednesday #44

WHW It's Wednesday and there is so much Happening that I am not sure one post can handle it! Austin is hopping and especially with great food. So let's get to it!


First, I am a co-host to my first Twitter party -- woo to the hoo! Next Wednesday at 4:49 CST (yes 4:49!), we will be celebrating 45 years of Gatti's Pizza! As a kid in Austin, going to Gatti's was always a special event (they made awesome smiley face pizzas!) and they have become a favorite of my kids. I am excited to be a part of the fun!TwitterParty45Ann-8x11 There will be games and facts and fun. And of course, pizza! Check out your Gattis pizza trivia and you might win a pizza! (Here's a hint, I'll be sharing more about #Gattis45years over the next week so stay tuned for more!)


Another of my Austin favorites, Gourmet by Numbers, is moving on up! Moving on up to the North side. (Yes, I know the song will be in your head all day now -- you're welcome. :-D)


Heather Amalaha is expanding her online gourmet meal kit delivery business, Gourmet by Numbers, to include a brick and mortar retail store located at 7318 McNeil Drive, Austin, Texas, 78729.Due to open its doors early 2015, the store will give Austinites the opportunity to conveniently shop for fresh, healthy meal kits and browse the menu options in person.“We are really excited about the retail store. It is a natural move for us and just one more way through which we can serve our customers. We are looking forward to the face-to-face interaction and the opportunity to showcase the meals in a different way. People love the convenience of the online delivery, but also appreciate the option of swinging by a location to grab meal kits on the way home from work or school,” says Amalaha.I proudly supported Heather's successful crowd-funding campaign with a review and giveaway earlier this year, and I am so happy to see this success come her way!Meal kits are assembled for up to four people that include fresh, pre-prepared ingredients that can be cooked at home in 30 minutes or less. Kits come equipped with easy-to-follow steps for cooking and can also be tailored for specific preferences or allergy requirements. The service takes out the time-consuming drudgery of shopping and prep work.Store hours of operation will be from 10am to 7pm, Mondays through Saturdays. For more information about Gourmet by Numbers or Heather Amalaha, visit www.gourmetbynumbers.com.


Did you know that Bess Bistro on Pecan Street has a new chef and a new menu?IMG_7552Bess Bistro has been a staple of Austin as a French styled bistro with a dash of New Orleans flavor but as Austin has evolved so has Bess! The building has been renovated to reflect the beauty of the Stratford Arms building, keeping the "speak-easy" feeling. The new menu reflects a New American cuisine while keeping that hint of NOLA.Want to find out for yourself? There is a preview tasting on September 25th. Check out what's in store...

The Bess five-course tasting menu, a delightful mix of rich flavors and textures matched with impeccable wines, is $75 per person and features beef tartare with arugula, pickled mustard seed, aioli, lavash and fried capers (served with Hacienda Lopez de Haro Rosado, Spain); mushroom arancini with balsamic braised onions, truffled ricotta and herb salad (served with Fess Parker Chardonnay, California); kale salad with thyme-roasted baby carrots, marinated feta, candied pecans and apple cider vinaigrette (served with Duckhorn Sauvignon Blanc, California); diver scallops with sunchoke purée, carrot risotto, sunflower sprouts and a meunière sauce (served with I Prandi Pinot Noir, Italy); and braised lamb shoulder with white beans, shallots, pappardelle, gremolata and lamb jus (served with Smith & Hook Cabernet Sauvignon, California).  

Bess Bistro is located at 500 W. Sixth St., in Austin. The fall menu preview tasting is Sept. 25 at 6:30 p.m., and is $75 per person. For reservations, call the restaurant at (512) 477-2377. For more information, visit www.bessbistro.com.Looks super yummy and I can't wait to try it out! So much good food going on in Austin!


Finally, did you know that Sunday is International Peace Day? In honor of that, the Subud International Culture Association (SICA) will host its third annual free and open-to-the public celebration of Peace Day with its Poems for Peace, September 20 at The Rollins Studio Theatre at the Long Center (701 West Riverside Drive, Austin) at 1 PM.,  featuring inspiring works of poetry read by veteran Austin performers.For details on this event and how you can show your support for Austin Peace Day, check out their website: www.peacedayaustin.org! Also, share a peace selfie on Twitter with @peacedayaustin - fun way to spread the peace,So that's What's Happening for my Wednesday, what's happening for you?