I'm Elevating My Game

This morning I am in Galveston, Texas surrounded by some of the best bloggers in Texas. I am at #BlogElevated. Woo Hoo! Sitting here, I have heard from Dayna Steele (a rockstar of my radio youth!) about how to make this crazy thing I do - blogging - a success. Which is awesome, except I have to figure out what it means to be a success.Sounds funny, right?But after years with such a singular focus, namely acting, I don't think I have really sat down and figured out what this success would look like. So that is on my list. And not on my "Pinterest" list which is filled with things I will never actually do. No this is on the real "To-Do" list. Because if I can't visualize it, how can anyone else?I know this. Blogging has brought me so much. It has brought me friends. It has brought me financial opportunities. It has brought me sanity. I can never say thank you enough for that. Five years ago, I sat typing away in the dark trying not to wake my children, even as my arms are going numb under their weight. I was low and blogging brought me back to... well, me. But that is the past. What is the future?I don't know. So I guess that is the next step on this journey. I hope you'll come along. There will be cake!Oh and I'm leaving you with this awesome advice shared my Ms. Steele via Gene Simmons (yes, that Gene Simmons) -- "Life is too short to have anything but delusional notions about yourself." Here's to a little delusion! Thanks BlogElevated! I'll BE back!


Sundays in My City #117 -- The Woodlands Resort


Wordless Wednesday #105 -- My Two Loves