

Yesterday's prompt from Axis of Ineptitude was about Scars. I chose to write about it today. I have a lot of scars on my body. I have scars all over my scalp from when I knocked a lead glass candy dish on my head. I have a scar on my nose from the surgery performed at age 13 to remove the birthmark (The Girl with the Red Dot on Her Nose). I have a scar on the bottom of my mouth where a doll's arm went through my lip. I have a scar on my knee from an orthopedic surgery I had at age 16. I am sure there are many others. All of them you can see.What you may not be able to see are the scars on my heart. All of us have them. I have been bullied. I have been rejected. But the scar that I am thinking the most about today is the loss of my brother 19 years ago today. He would have been 39, just shy of his 40th birthday. I can't imagine him at this age. He is forever young and giving me his crooked smile.My brother and I did not have a perfect relationship but I loved him. I believe that he knew that. He loved me. I do know that. I still see him. I see him in the smirk of my daughter and the twinkling of my son's eyes. I hear him when my second born daughter screams "it's not fair!" and as my son masters his bike or another video game. He is close but he is far.Nineteen years later, I no longer bleed but I am scarred. It is the deepest scar of my life to date.I miss you my brother. One day, I shall see you again. Until then, you remain in my heart, beautiful and unscarred. What Scars do you have? Or they on the inside or outside?


Wordless Wednesday #107 -- Black & White


A Change in Title, Not Stature