

Overwhelmed? Uh, yeah! I am  splashing around in the middle of the deep end with no ring to grab. We are in the middle of moving out of our home of two and 1/2 years into much smaller housing. While this is the first step to an exciting new adventure (yes, another vague booking but details coming shortly), it is kicking my behind. I am struggling with illness, falling behind in EVERYTHING, and basically ready to scream.Overwhelmed! Add to that an 11 year old's birthday, testing for learning disabilities, swim team, dance class, and Halloween and I am one crazed momma! My daughter keeps asking what I will be for the holiday and I keep thinking "right now, I am scary enough". Maybe I will be a Zombie mom though with the way I'm barking at everyone, the Wolf-Mom would probably be more accurate.I know what I should do if I was actually drowning -- relax, lay on my back and float until help comes. But that doesn't work well with a move out date so I'll keep flailing, at least until the end of month. After that, I just stay under the water until after Thanksgiving; coming up for air  just in time to  go under again for Christmas.Are you overwhelmed?Join my friends at Axis of Ineptitude for October!


Wordless Wednesday #109 -- Adventure in Tweendom


Sundays in My City #120 -- Princess at the Park