January Challenge -- Let Go


I'm back with the Axis to share what I'm letting go. Now I know many of you are now hearing Idina Menzel in your head or better yet, your school age daughter, singing "Let it go". Sorry about that. I know that I would love for my Little Diva to let that song go.But this is about more than an overplayed song. Yesterday I talked about the great changes going on in our home and I shared pictures comparing the spaces. Well with the change in space has come a lot of letting go. I have always attributed meaning to my things. I hold on to things forever. This is something I've been working on slowly but with small spaces and weight limitations, I now had a deadline. This meant I had to take stock of what I owned and what owned me.What doesn't travel with us has to go to storage. Each item I looked at an item, I had to determine if it was worthy of paying to keep it. And I realized that I had to let go; let go of things and whatever emotional attachment I gave them.Over the weeks, we have made multiple trips to the local Goodwill, Salvation Army, and women's shelter. We are in the last steps of packing up for the road and I am finding it more and more easy to let go. Here is yesterday's haul:Let GoYep. That is half a U-Haul truck filled with giveaway. I almost wish that we had documented all the trips just to see how much we had that we did not need. I won't lie. This was hard at the beginning. I worried if I would miss something, if I could use it in the future, etc. etc. etc. I am now realizing what a burden so much stuff really is. It costs time and energy. Now those things are blessing others and not cluttering my home (mobile or otherwise).More than that, it is starting to wear off on the kids. My daughter was willing to let go of a very beloved though outgrown Littlest Pet Sop house. And my son let go of almost all of his superheroes. So the more I let go, the more they grow. A win-win.Now I am never going to be a minimalist and I am sure that I still hold on to more than I need but whether for life on the road or life free from clutter, I am lighter without so much. I am lighter for having let go.What do you need to let go of? Share it with Axis of Ineptitude.


#photos 2015 Challenge -- Day 2


#photos 2015 Challenge -- Day 1