A Star in My Own Universe

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January Challenge -- Book Quote

With today's prompt from Axis, I immediately went to "Alice in Wonderland". I read the book when I was young and instantly related to Alice. I have always felt just a little out of place in the world and have on more than one occasion wondered if I had gone down a rabbit hole.

  Alice wisdom

I find that so true. I may have known who I was when I woke up in the morning but somedays I struggle to recognize myself by 10:00 am. It feels like I must have grown and shrunk with each sip of coffee and bite of bagel.

Mad Hatter

Is there a better description as a mother? I have definitely gone mad since becoming "Mommy". And yet I know I am a much better person!

 Mad Hatter Wisdom

Wow! Leave it to Wonderland to allow profundity to come from the mad man! But isn't it true? I decide if things are impossible. Some days I do more than is humanly possible simply by force of will. Other days, nothing seems possible and well... nothing is.This to me, however, is the most profound: 

Alice at a fork in the road

I think I have spent a lot of my life following directions while not knowing where I wanted to go. I thought I did but when I "arrived" i found myself more lost than ever. This year, I'm working on finding the right path and taking steps that lead me there. In other words, I am figuring out just where I want to go!

Do you know where you want to go? Does Wonderland speak to you as it does me? If you have a quote to share "Mad" or otherwise, share it with today's Axis of Ineptitude challenge.