A Star in My Own Universe

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January Challenge -- 13...


13 is supposed to be unlucky. The origin refers back to the days of Templars and kings having a very bad Friday the 13th. Along with black cats and salt over the shoulder, it grew in size and meaning. There are even hotels without an  13th floor. Now if there are 14 or more floors, we all know that the floor still exists but somehow people feel better if they don't have to push a button with those two numbers 1 and 3.I never felt that way.I love 13. Maybe it is just another example of my weirdness but it's my lucky number. My birthday makes 13 -- 7-6. It's odd and it's prime. Just like me, well at least odd.Are you scared of the number 13? Do you have any other superstitions? For the record, I knock on wood.