January Challenge -- Comfort


Today, I am thinking about comfort. What is it to be comfortable? How do you seek comfort?Food, of course comes to mind. They even call them "comfort foods". I like milk and cookies a lot. Pasta is not half bad, either. And Pringles. Please keep Pringles away from me. I can (and have) earn an entire can in a single sitting. That's about 900 calories for the record.Watching rom-com is another comfort to me. After years of insomnia, I have grown used to falling asleep in front of a well-worn film. Bridget Jones's Diary is the all-time favorite. I have watched it hundreds of times.BJD Hot baths. This has been my drug of choice for about twenty years now and it is my biggest sacrifice for life in a trailer. I don't do drugs. I drink rarely. I don't smoke. I love a long bath.Most of all, I seek comfort with my friends and family. I need my girlfriends to calm my nerves and keep me focused. I need my husband to remind me not to take myself so seriously and that everything is going to be okay. I need my children to pump joy into my heart.How do you seek comfort? You can share it with my pals from Axis of Ineptitude.


#photos 2015 Challenge -- Day 29


#photos 2015 Challenge -- Day 28