Friday Fragments #55


Well, it is Friday again. It has been such a busy week. I feel like I have been playing catch up since the last Fragmented post.Some wonderful things have happened. We got our #DisneySide box and are now busy planning a combination party for my mom who will turn 67 and my daughter who is turning 8. I'm calling it the 6-7-8, Disney is great! party.#Disneyside PhotoLittle Diva tried Jiu Jitsu and loved it! She went in full power and actually listened to the instructor. She was even trying to teach me. She made a point of showing me the "tap" which is what you do if a move made by your sparring partner is hurting. You can see more pics here.And we had some tough moments. Wednesday was the 5th anniversary of my father-in-law's passing. We made a special trip to Houston that night to support hubby's mom. It is a tremendous loss to all of us. In fact, Sonny-Bunny still talks about the "toll it took" on him when his "Bapu" died.Speaking of Sonny-Bunny, he has developed a habit of twisting his hair. I asked him about it and he said he didn't know why he did it. Later, he told me that he thinks he does it when he wants to tell me something but doesn't know how or when he's feeling frustrated. I thought that was pretty insightful and I want to help him. Do you any of you have kids with nervous habits? How did you deal with it?So that's my Fragments for the week. Are you fragmented? Check out other Friday Frags with Mrs. 4444 at Half Past Kissin' Time.


#photos 2015 Challenge -- Day 30


#photos 2015 Challenge -- Day 29